Methodological issues in using sequential representations in the teaching of writing

  • Chien-Ching Lee
  • Jeannette Bopry
  • John Hedberg


This study looks at a specific application of Ainsworth’s conceptual framework for learning with multiple representations in the context of using multiple sequential graphic organizers that are student-generated for a process-writing task. Process writing refers to writing that consists of multiple drafts. It may be a process of re-writing without feedback or re-writing based on feedback where the teacher or peers will provide feedback on the original draft and then the students will revise their writing based on the feedback given. The objective was to explore how knowledge of students’ cognitive processes when using multiple organizers can inform the teaching of writing. The literature review analyzes the interaction of the design, function and task components of the framework; culminating in instructional approaches for using multiple organizers for classes with students of different writing abilities. Extended implications for designers of concept mapping tools based on these approaches are provided.

DOI: 10.1080/09687760701482234


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How to Cite
Lee C.-C., Bopry J., & Hedberg J. (2007). Methodological issues in using sequential representations in the teaching of writing. Research in Learning Technology, 15(2).
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